Life changes; God is constant. But we must choose to follow Him.

Proverbs 4:23

"Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life"

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daily 10---E

Here it is! :)

Easter- without Jesus dying on the cross, and raising from the dead, Christianity would not be in existence. So I owe my faith, my hope, my life to this fact. So I am thankful for Easter, not for the candy, eggs, and the bunny, but for Jesus, the true meaning of Easter.

eyes- I am so thankful for my eyes. I am so thankful that I have the ability to see, and look at all of the beauty that our earth contains.

ears- I am so thankful for my ability to hear. I am blessed to have my hearing and be able to hear all the sounds of creation that go on around me.

Esther (from the Bible)- the story of Esther is such an amazing story of courage, and strength that can only come from God. This story is such a great reminder that we can do anything through the power of Christ.

Eggs- not only are they delicious, but they are healthy as well. I am so thankful for eggs, what a great snack, meal, whatever. As we also learned in one of my classes they are also complete proteins. :)

emotions- I will admit sometimes my emotions run wild and crazy. But emotions are a good thing. They allow us to feel, and to express how we are feeling. I am so thankful for emotions because they allow us to be individuals, and also remind us how God created us to be individuals, and not a group.

Explorers- I am so thankful for explorers and the courage they had. Without them our world would not be the same as it is today.

Ear muffs- Now that I am living in a colder state I am so thankful for ear muffs. There is no greater way to keep my ears warm on those cold, windy days.

Elephants- they are such a massive, immense animal. They also show the imaginative side of God, because to think of such an animal, and then to create it, is a huge feat.

Egg plant- This is not my favorite vegetable, but it is delicious, and I am learning to love it more and more. So maybe I am more thankful for the symbol it shows to me, of growing up, and starting to like things I haven't wanted to try before. 

and 11 & 12--last but DEFINITELY- not least :)
E1 & E2- these are two of the greatest kids I know. Seriously they are like my younger siblings. I have spent lots of time with them the past couple summers, and they are wonderful kids. We have wonderful conversations, and we have many adventures :) 

Now, what are you thankful for?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Daily 10---D

:) Here it is: My list of "D's" that I am thankful for!!! :)

Dad- my daddy is amazing. When I mess up he rarely truly becomes angry. I know I can tell him everything, and he will support me. Even when I do stupid stuff I know he will try to help me out of the mess I have made (even when I drive in deep snow that is covering mud and grass, and get the car stuck...and have to have 5 complete strangers help me. He just laughed and wasn't mad at all).

Daisys- they are such innocent, beautiful flowers. They brigthen my world, so I am thankful for them!

DVDs- lame, I know. But after a long day it is nice to relax and watch dvds with my mom as we have fun together.

Darkness- as scared as I am in the dark, I absolutely love it. It just reminds me how dark our world truly is, and how light in comparison it is with Jesus.

Decimals- they are a pain to work with in math, I know. But decimals just show how orderly and precise God is. It is such a wonderful thing :)

"D" aunts- (all my aunts on one side of my family start with the letter D. So I am incredibly thankful for all of them. They are such amazing role models, and they all know how to have a blast :)

Dandelions- they grow weeds in abundance I know, but they are such fun! I am thankful for the joy that they bring, and have brought me in the past when I blow the fluff off :)

Desks- they are such a convenient invention. They are a great way to stay organized so I am thankful for them :)

D1- my oldest guy cousin. He is seriously like a brother to me. I know he will always give me the advice I need, and even some advice I don't think I need. He is always there for me :)

Daniel (from the Bible)- the story of Daniel is so amazing. It shows us that we don't need to be afraid of having great courage, and that we should always stand up for our beliefs :)

Your turn!!! :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Daily 10---C

Whoot! Time for day 3's list of thankfulness :)

Christ- He is my rock, my center.  Without Him I am nothing. So He is definitely #1 today :) 

C1- he is my adorable second cousin. Such a cute kid, and a reminder of how innocent and wonderful babies are :)

Caterpillars- There is no greater way to remind ourselves of the transformation that takes place in us when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.

C2- this family is a great addition to my extended family. I love them all and have such fun with all of them. They are wonderful leaders in their church, and really show others what it means to be Christians. I love them a lot, and will miss them this summer!

C3-another family in my extended family. The courage, strength and faith this family has shown in the past few years is astounding. They are incredible people who know how to have fun, but also showing the love of Christ at all times.

Clothes- I am so thankful for the clothes that I have. All to often I take them for granted and just throw something on in the morning, I rarely take time to actually be thankful for what I have.

Coast (the)- I am incredibly thankful for the coast. There is no better reminder for me of the constant love of Christ, because the waves are constantly hitting the beach. It is a great place to visit and rejuvenate.

Cantaloupe- this is one of my favorite summer fruits. Its yellow goodness is amazing. So I am definitely thankful for cantaloupe :) 

Cows/Calfs- not only are they fun to be around and to take care of, but they provide yummy milk and delicious beef! :) I am so blessed to have spent time around these massive creatures the past 2 summers :)

Cousins- I'm just gonna put this out here: I love my cousins. I have already mentioned some of them, but I know I will forget some (I am so sorry!) so I just wanted to say that I am thankful for my cousins. They have experiences that I don't and I have wonderful times, great memories, and fabulous conversations with them :)

Your turn :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Daily 10---B

Here it is! My 10 things I am thankful for that start with "B"

 The Bible- I am so thankful for the Bible! There is no better way to read about Jesus, and the events of years past. I am so thankful that we have the Bible in our language that we can read and understand.  

B1- this girl is my best friend. She is always there for me. Her faith in Jesus is such an inspiration for me. We can talk about anything, and there is not judgement, just uplifting words to bring us closer to Jesus :)

Beds- I am so thankful to have a bed, that is comfortable, safe, and cozy. I know its possible to live without a bed, but I am so thankful that I have a bed that I can rest in.

Bathrooms- inside bathrooms. What a blessing they are! I am constantly reminded how thankful we should be for all the extras that we have, that people elsewhere may not.

Boats- Boats have been around for a long time, I know, but I am thankful for them. I have so many memories of crabbing and being in a boat, or going down rivers in boats, and so I am thankful that we have boats so that we can see more of God's creation.

Backside of water- No, there is nothing different about the backside of water. But when I was younger, on my first trip to Disneyland, the tour guide pointed out the backside of water. So I am thankful for this because of the amazing memories it brings back, and the fun times it reminds me of.

Boxes- I am so thankful for boxes. When I have extra stuff that I need to store that's the first place I turn to. So boxes were a great invention, and I am so thankful for them.

Baths- nothing is so relaxing (or so fun as a child) as a bath! So I am thankful for them, it reminds me of getting cleansed by Jesus Christ, which is always a good reminder.

Books- I am so incredibly thankful for books! They are full of fun, wonder, excitement, and new things to learn. I am so thankful that we have the opportunity to have books.

Buttons- I have no clue who invented buttons, but they are such a cool invention! I am thankful for them as a way to dress modestly, and bring the edges of my clothes together.

What are you thankful for??? :)

P.S. How is the no-procrastination going? For me its great! Yesterday school was canceled, as well as today so I have been incredibly productive!!! :) 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Daily 10---A

A--- the beginning of the alphabet and the beginning of a very long list that I am thankful for!!!

Apples & Applesauce - seriously! What is better than crunching down on a crunchy apple when your hungry! Nothing in my opinion! Applesauce is amazing as well. Especially when it is homemade, warm, and covered in cinnamon :) So apples and applesauce are definitely at the top of my list!

A1- my oldest cousin who's name starts with A! She is definitely awesome and so much fun to be around! Holidays would be boring without her, so I am definetly thankful for her :)

A2- another cousin :) She has such a deep relationship with God, it is such an inspiration to me. We have some of the best conversations, and she is a blast to be around!

A3- younger cousin. She is hilarious and wacky for sure. Sometimes she gets on my nerves, but in all honesty she is a great woman and has a ton of potential :) I love you!

Aunts- I am so blessed to have so many amazing aunts. They are great women, some who have not had the easiest lives. They are such an encouragement to me, and I don't know what I would do without them in my life.

Ancestors- I have recently gotten into genealogy, so it has been amazing to see my ancestors and the lives that they have had. None of them are really famous, but just learning about them definitely inspires me to live up to my full potential and to carry on our family in a manner pleasing to the Lord.

Alligators- may seem silly I know, but they are amazing creatures! I read about them in a book recently, and they are magnificent. The amount of strength that their jaws have is incredible! I have complete respect for them, and the God that created them. So yes, I am thankful for them :)

Alphabet- It is amazing to have a written language where we can write out our thoughts. Some languages still do not have ways to write, so I am so blessed that we do, and I am able to write.

Alsace Lorraine- its a place in Europe where most of my ancestors came from. Without that place my family history would be different, so yes. I am thankful for it for sure!

Automobiles- yes! I am thankful for cars! Without them it would be more difficult for me to get to school, to see my friends, and to get to church. So I am most definitely thankful that I have been blessed with a car :)

Now its your turn! What are you thankful for? :)

A, B, C, Thankfulness?!?!

I have decided that there is SOOOO much I have that I am thankful for! and I never take the time to actually think about what I have and how if affects my life :)

So, for the next 26 days (or however long it takes me!) I will be posting 10 things that I am thankful for that begin with that letter!!! :)  Please comment or at least think of a couple things you are thankful for as well! :)

I hope I can come up with 10 things for Q, Y, V, W, and Z! Haha

Have an amazing blessed day of being thankful!

P.S.  How is the no procrastination week going? For me its going fabulously well! I have yet to procrastinate today, and I did fairly well yesterday! Keep working on it!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Procrastin....oh, what were those song lyrics I heard today?

We have all done it. Sat down to do homework, or do our job at work. And suddenly, 10, 20, 30, minutes later we find ourselves on a tangent, doing something other than what we were supposed to do.  Personally, FaceBook is great at helping me procrastinate. Just this weekend I had three things to do for homework, two reading assignments and study for a test. But here I am at almost 1 am, writing in my blog about procrastination. And what am I doing? Procrastinating. Of course.

Its not always that what we divert our attention to is bad. I mean its not like im sitting here wanting to make my life harder but I am.

So here is my challenge to myself this week, starting now: For a whole week NO PROCRASTINATION!

so I will now get off my computer, save this as a draft. Study for a test, and go to bed, and finish this tomorrow when I am not procrastinating.  :)

Whoot! I got off the computer last night and actually studied for my math test! And I think I did super good on it which is a bonus :)

Have a Blessed Monday :) and remember...stop procrastinating!!! :)